Edit Listing => Description
Accommodation Description
In the Accommodation Summary you can select the 'suitable for' features and add the Summary Description. This is important as it will appear when your listing appears in any holiday makers search results. Please do not include any web addresses, email addresses or phone numbers.
The Property Detail section allows you to input a more detailed textual description about your property. This will form the heart of your listing. We recommend at least 250 words of text. Whilst it is tempting to copy this from an existing listing elsewhere we strongly recommend that you write some new original text. This will ensure that your listing is more strongly rated by the various search engines. Please also note that no external web links, email addresses or phone numbers are allowed.
There is no limit to how much you can write in the Property Description section, so go wild. Tell your prospective holidaymakers why people come to the area, what there is to do and see in the region, and also why your property is suitable for them. If you are classed as perfect for Hill Walking, tell your guests which walks there are or where is the best Hill to climb nearby.
Don't for forget to click the 'Save' or 'Save and Next' button when you have made changes!