1.2 My Holiday - Holiday Makers
My Holiday - Holidaymakers
After registration as a holiday-maker, you will be able to access your own account. As a member of our community you can benefit from the full features on offer, including special offers, email updates on news and offers, the ability to add reviews to your favourite lists, adding these listings to your shortlist and much much more! For example you can save you favourite list of Holiday Cottages and choose from them at a later date, maybe with a partner.
Under 'My Holiday', you can view properties or attractions you have added to your shortlist, email enquiries you have sent to accommodation or attraction owners and bookings. This way you can create a list of holiday accommodation and attractions you'd like to visit while there.
To add to your shortlist, click on 'Accommondation Search' or Attraction Search', search for acommodation or attractions then click on 'Add to My Shortlist'
You can also help us and your fellow members by adding an attraction