2.2 Getting the Most Out of Your Listing

2.2 Getting the Most Out of Your Listing
Getting the most out of your Listing
1. Edit Listing
To edit your accommodation listing, Please click on listings (you may have to select 'Accommodation' then click on 'Edit Listing'. On the left hand side, each tab will show the percentage completed and the overall score under Setup Status.
Don't for forget to click the 'Save' or 'Save and Next' button when you have made changes. Under 'Setup Status', you will be able to see your percentage completed for over all and each tab.
Tip: Please make sure to go through each tab and fill in all relevant fields. The higher percentage completed, the higher up on the search results your listing will appear.
2. Special offers
To add a special offer do to 'Special Offers & Marketing' the click on 'Special Offers'.
If you click the ' + Add a Special Offer' button you can create an advert which will displayed on our special offers page. It is designed to allow you to add your Special Offer' quickly and easily, in 4 steps
You need to enter a name for the offer (for example '10 percent off all holidays booked before the end of this month'), select the category of special offer (for example 'accommodation discount' or 'attraction discount', and then describe the offer in the 'text description' box.
You can also add a photo for the advert in the usual way. Please make sure to add a photo relevant to the special offer i.e. a festive offer would include a festive or winter picture.
You then need to add a start and end date for the advert and decide whether it is to be 'Live' on the site (which will mean all other users of the site can see it).
If you have Online Payments enabled, you can choose to either produce a Public Discount Code (which is available within the Special Offers Section of the site), or you can create a Private Discount Code. Private Codes are perfect for giving to return customers, low occupancy groups and family and friends coming to stay. They are not available to the public, but when given to a guest of your choosing and entered upon booking and paying online, it will apply your chosen discount.
This is a very easy and a great way of highlighting any offers you have on your listing!
3. Update your Online/PDF Leaflet and Brochure
As part of your Premium Listing you have access to an automatically generated online leaflet and brochure for your property. You can fully customise these documents to include exactly the information you want, your best contact details, and links to your favourite restaurants, bars and attractions in the area. You can choose which attractions to show and which to hide, as well as recommending your favourites and writing reviews about them for your guests.
To update your documents, go to Special Offers and Marketing > Go To Brochures > Customise.
You can send your brochure in PDF format to your guests before they arrive, print it and use it on your coffee table, or even leave some in the attractions themselves.