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Primary Photo and Photo Gallery

Primary Photo and Photo Gallery

Primary Photo and Photo Gallery


Edit Listing => Photos

This is where you can manage the photos included in your listing. The primary photo is the one which will appear on the search results for your property and as the main photo on the listing itself. 

Having updated your primary photo you can then add additional photos to appear in your property display by clicking on '+ Add Photo(s)'. These will then appear under your primary photo in the Photos Tab.

To edit the caption, delete or make it your primary photo, click on the drop down arrow next to the photo.

To update the order of your gallery, select the photo and drag it to the corrrect position.

Here are some tips to make sure you post the perfect photos:

  • Please ensure your photos are a minimum of 400x300 pixels in size – any smaller than this and the photos will not display optimally on the screen.
  • Include photos of the interior of the Accommodation as well as the exterior - guests want to see exactly what they are getting before they make a decision.
  • Update your photos regularly to include seasonal photos, photos of nearby scenery and thematic photos like Bird Watching, Hill Walking, etc.
  • Photos must be in .jpg, .gif or .png format.
  • Landscape photos are recommended.
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